FiveM Interface/Usage
Here we will cover In-Game and the Usage of the radio.
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Here we will cover In-Game and the Usage of the radio.
Last updated
Before continuing, it's expected that you've installed the plugin.
To enter the Mobile Radio UI, Utilize the (default) F4 (Function 4)
key on your keyboard, or type /radio into your text bar. When on foot, the Mobile Radio will open, if you toggle it while in an Emergency Services vehicle, the Car Radio will open.
The In-Game Mobile Interface:
To close the radio press the ESC button. When you first spawn into the server, your radio is turned off. So you will have to turn it on using the Power Button.
This Radio is your primary interface when you're out and about, the picture above shows the different functions of the different options of the Mobile Radio, on the status indicator the colors mean:
Status Color: Gray
If you are disconnected from TeamSpeak the indicator will be gray.
Status Color: Blue
If you are connected to TeamSpeak, the indicator will be blue.
Status Color: Green
If you are logged into the CAD system, the radio status indicator will be green. When your status indicator is green, your radio panic button will activate your panic through the CAD, and you can view basic call information by clicking on the Call Details button.
To change your current frequency, either use the dial on the top of the radio, use the keybinds that you set in the Keybinds Menu, or click on the change frequency icon. In the change frequency menu, you can either set a custom frequency or you can select a preset. You can click on either side of the knob on the top of the radio to go to the previous or next preset.
The Custom Frequency will only work as a talk-around frequency to local radios on the same frequency and cannot be used statewide as the towers are not programmed to pick up and repeat that frequency.
Using Preset Knob
You can click on either side of the preset selection knob to cycle through preset frequencies. Cycling through the next and previous frequencies can also be done via keybind. To set the keybinds, navigate to your game keybinds and set prev and next.
Using the First Preset Button
The button that resembles a house is a new button that you can click to automatically change to the first preset frequency. (Patrol Ops)
To scan on the radio, all you need to do in-game is to open the radio via your hotkey, click the scan list at the bottom left and then you will be presented with an image that says Scan List with a + and a Scan disabled. As shown below:
Click the + Icon at the top right, this will then add whatever channel your currently connected to, to your scan list.
To turn scanning on or off, select the toggle on scan disabled.
The In-Game Car Radio Interface:
This Radio is your primary interface when you're in your car, the picture above shows the different functions of the different options of the Car Radio; the main
To get rid of the car radio interface, make sure to press the Hide Radio button.
To be able to interact with your vehicle and use your keyboard while the mobile radio is open, press ESC, and you will get full functionality back, if you then want to interact with the radio press your keybind or /radio
The best way to change your channel on your radio is by using the Radio Keybinds, especially while in the vehicle.
This feature is currently disbaled in-game. This section will be updated and informed once the feature is enabled.
In Midwest RP we utilise many different frames for our departments. Those are the default radio, which is a Moto AX, Moto AX (Hi-Vis), SignalPro XR-500 & VoxGuard X-150
BCSO & SAHP are limited to using the Moto AX, SignalPro XR-500 & VoxGuard X-150. LSPD & SACD are able to use all four. SAFR Can only use the Hi-Vis.
To do this, you go to Config at the bottom right of your radio and select the radio you want:
If you are not familiar with how the radios fully work in regards to buttons, please use the button help and it will show you what buttons do what. Please do not ask for help if some of the buttons don't work as some buttons are not enabled.
These radios look like:
Moto AX Portable Full
Moto AX Portable Top
Moto AX Vehicle
Moto AX Hi-Vis Portable Full
Moto AX Hi-Vis Portable Top
Moto AX Vehicle
SignalPro XR-500 Portable
SignalPro XR-500 Portable Top
There is no Portable Top on the SignalPro XR-500 as the radio only has a front facing. The /radiohud command will leave the radio on your screen after closing, just open the radio to control it.
SignalPro XR-500 Vehicle
VoxGuard X-150 Portable
VoxGuard X-150 Portable Top
There is no Portable Top on the VoxGuard X-150 as the radio only has a front facing. The /radiohud command will leave the radio on your screen after closing, just open the radio to control it.
VoxGuard X-150 Vehicle
This radio screen will require you to scroll on it to get to lower options.